If my car was a breathing and conscious thing, I'd ask why it has to be so selfish and demand so much money to be thrown at it. Is it not enough that I fork over a couple of bucks per week on gas alone? Maybe I haven't always been good to you. But I've stopped being an abusive owner, and it has been a long while since I went in excess of 90 mph. I do admit I can still be rough when going through Bel Air and the twists/turns of Sunset beckons me to go as fast as the 106 horsepower from your engine would allow me to. But did you really need the new brakes I bought you yesterday? That could've gone into buying a new drivetrain for my bike. Or my airfare for that trip in June I'm planning.
To be completely honest, though, you've been very good to me. You saw me through thick and thin in high school and college. And when you turned 120,000 miles today, I felt nostalgic and sentimental. I might think you're selfish, but I'm also thankful for all the years you've been reliable. Never once did you leave me stranded on the side, and I guess that's why I should continue to drive you for another few more months. I just hope that your replacement will be as nice to me as you have.
Even though I refer to my car as a living being in this post, I have not named it.