Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maiden Post

Endless sprawl, bad traffic, smog, and celeb-wannabes come to mind when speaking of Los Angeles.  While there is much to complain about LA, the city's virtues are not completely lost on yours truly.  After spending a year down here, I feel as though I have gained valuable perspective that I would've missed had I stayed where I was previously.  There have been things that I've seen, read, or heard that I wished I had written down somewhere.  The purpose of this blog is still unclear to me, but I'm hoping that things that are expanding my perspective will be conveyed through the ranting, bitching, and complaining that will occur on this blog.

Today's post will be about my thoughts about humane mouse traps.  They are absolutely asinine, because these traps are anything but humane.  When I had to dispose a little furry friend last Friday night, I was left with some undesirable options.  One was to bash it with a broom mercilessly.  This was not so tasteful, as it would've left rather ugly blood smears on the wall that I'd have to clean up after.  Second was to drown it.  But did I really want to hear it gurgling for dear life, its soul fading away in small bubbles?  Not exactly my idea of a fabulous Friday night.  The third options was to double bag the sucker and tally ho out to the garbage can.  I went with the last option.

For the next 24 hours, the mouse sat in a doubled-up plastic bag inside a garbage can, with its head stuck in the trap.  I kept going back to poke at the bag, because I'm a masochist that way, but could never muster the energy to deliver a quick death.  Fortunately, the trap that is now set in the same place is the kind that can kill instantly.  The thing is ferocious looking and it makes me hopeful that it will do the job expeditiously.

As for the goldfish that passed yesterday, I do not know how speedily deliverance came.  I hope Richardson didn't suffer a slow death, though I did change its water 8 hours prior to the time of doom.  Perhaps it didn't sense the physiological changes and went into a coma.  If I had a choice in the matter, I'd like to go quickly.  And if it can't happen quickly, I'd like to be completely clueless that the inevitable is coming by way of a federal government agency.

Speaking about death in my first blog post might not be the most appropriate, but it's the Item of the Day on the menu, and this is how it goes.  Maybe talking about the finish line is a juxtaposition to the start of something new and entertaining.

Edit: The picture above was not taken by me.  It is only for visual purposes only.  In my case, picture a crazed mouse flopping madly to get the trap off its head while sh*tting away.

Photo credit:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought the idea was that you take the mouse out to the woods somewhere and leave it.