Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh look ponies! Wait, it's the 4 Horsemen!

2009 is starting up as though it is the coming out party for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We might have a new President that gives us hope, but the economic situation is nonetheless bleak. Perhaps it is particularly being felt tonight because there is a company meeting tomorrow with our Managing Director, which might shed light on the state of our business and where things are heading. Judging by how the industry is going, I don't have high confidence.

But it's easy to be a Debby Downer. Despite the bitterness and cynicism I typically show, there are things that I am thankful for. I still have a paycheck and a place to call home away from home. And speaking of homes, at least I don't own real estate in this shithole called Hell-A. Bless the Little Baby J. And one more thing to be thankful about: at least I'm not in a living situation I can't get out of.

More often than not these days, couples that have decided to end things cannot leave their living arrangements. Whether they own a place together that they cannot sell, or rent a place that neither can afford alone, the business of breaking up is made messier than usual. And I have been a witness to the phenomenon, when I met a guy recently who said he still lives with his ex. I resorted to the obligatory "Oh, interesting" response, and I don't know why it prompted him to go into further details. I really should stop feigning interest when I really am not interested. The only thing that tops "living with parents" is "living with an ex."

I already have a problem with commitment, so it goes without saying that I have an even bigger problem with the process of de-commitment. These days, a sound exit strategy should be drafted up before entering into a relationship. Parachuting solo sounds so much better than being weighed down by additional payload. Maybe there is one more thing I should be thankful of: being single.