I was taking a shower this evening, minding my business in the bathroom with the window slightly cracked to let the cool fall air in. As I got out of the shower, I heard a girl yelling at the top of her lungs to who I assumed was her significant other. While I tried to eavesdrop as much as I can, her fury was making her speech go at thousand miles per minute. Whatever her grievances, it was quite apparent that she was P-I-S-S-E-D. I can only imagine what could've set her off like that, but I'm assuming that it is probably as bad as infidelity.
Not to bring race into the scenario, but both person in this fight were of the same ethnicity, and their fighting style kind of fit with the stereotypes. I actually admire their style, and I might even try to emulate it when I'm completely ticked off. The couple that was fighting tonight could've auditioned for Jerry Springer, and would've probably been able to put on a decent show.
I've heard that healthy relationships have rough spots, and it is natural for people to blow up at each other to let out the valve. If that was the case, the relationship this couple has must be pretty damn healthy, because she let that valve out full force. Maybe this is what I have to look forward to in my serious relationship? If that's the case, I'll enjoy my single life for as much as I can. Quiet and boring as it may be, the solitude can be a good thing.